Picture courtesy of Esther Mercier
I had a very enjoyable half-weekend at Shrigley Hall in Cheshire, talking to 25 teachers from the North West about their LinkedUp languages projects and sharing ideas and resources.
The conference was hosted by Network into Languages North West as a follow-up LinkedUp dissemination event and it was a real privilege to be able to meet in such lovely surroundings and to spend quality professional time in such great company.
The conference was hosted by Network into Languages North West as a follow-up LinkedUp dissemination event and it was a real privilege to be able to meet in such lovely surroundings and to spend quality professional time in such great company.
There are currently 5 LinkedUp projects displayed on the LinkedUp webpage, 3 of them were represented at the conference.
The first presentation about the “Liaison into Languages” project also led to a discussion about SOLO taxonomy and referred back to the “Hooked on Thinking” website showcasing good thinking skills development practice.
I started with a short introduction. I had also some ideas to share just in case but I only shared the first one in the end: Join MFL resources!
I started with a short introduction. I had also some ideas to share just in case but I only shared the first one in the end: Join MFL resources!
Linked up conference july2011
View more presentations from Isabelle Jones
As my classtools.net randomizer failed due to a very unreliable internet link, I proceeded by asking for volunteers.
Here are a few related links:
Stuart Gorse reminded us of Hugo’s daily routine-great for revision of this topic
Stuart Gorse reminded us of Hugo’s daily routine-great for revision of this topic
Gorseville channel: short animated clips in French and Spanish great to introduce a range of topics.
Neil Phillipson showed us how QR codes could be used to replace expensive voting systems-despite some very adverse ICT conditions. http://www.qwikvotes.com
For more ideas look at Tom Barett’s google document here
Get interactive! Esther Mercier shares her tools
Je voudrais writing differentiated
Dominic McGladdery shared 10 ideas in, well, a bit more than 3 minutes but as they were all very good nobody minded!

To memorise paradigms, we were made to chant verbs waiting for a member of the group to give us a “signal” of their choice to allow us to move on. A “policeman”, chosen member of the group sporting a policeman hat then had to guess who was giving the signal.
View more documents from Isabelle Jones
Gary Stroker, Head of Languages at Mossley Hollins, shared how his students are being encouraged to sponsor a child abroad.
Gary Stroker, Head of Languages at Mossley Hollins, shared how his students are being encouraged to sponsor a child abroad.
This project is managed by the children who need to do some fundraising to send the child to school and support their local community. They have the opportunity to become “world Vision” ambassadors. It is also a great way to make the target language more real and get the students to find out more about the country the child is from.
Dominic McGladdery shared 10 ideas in, well, a bit more than 3 minutes but as they were all very good nobody minded!
Diane Shakeshaft shared a Thinking Skill activity she did adapting an activity from MFL Sunderland.
Isabelle Arnett talked about a KS2/KS3 transition project based on the story of “L’anniversaire de la tortue”. Students made their own puppets and performed the play. Flip camera is used at the end for peer assessment.

To memorise paradigms, we were made to chant verbs waiting for a member of the group to give us a “signal” of their choice to allow us to move on. A “policeman”, chosen member of the group sporting a policeman hat then had to guess who was giving the signal.
Diannah Miller presented us the opportunities offered by etwinnings and the etwinnings website-a private space that can be used to exchange digital materials with partner schools e.g. project on the weather-daily videos sent about the weather of the day.
Alison Smith prepared 3 items for the Show and Tell: a photo game and two really interesting short presentations on Creativity and Business & Enterprise.
Alison took a photo of each of the pupils in her class and printed them off with a thick white border to look like a Polaroid. She then laminated them so they can be written on again and again with marker pens. Several games can be played with them:
* Find your partner: write down a key word from the lesson and a move round the room asking the same question until you find someone with the same answer (Example: "Qu'est-ce qu'il y a dans ton sac?" "J'ai un stylo" "J'ai un cahier" "J'ai une gomme" "Ah, moi aussi".
* Find your gang: as above, but you are trying to find as many people as possible with the same answer as you. A merit/point/sweet can be given for everyone in the biggest gang.
* Plenary: write the longest sentence you can (on the back of the photo) using language from today's lesson - get your partner to mark it. Prize for the longest sentence/most creative one.
* Starter: Put 6 of the plenary answers from last time on the board, ask the pupils to guess who wrote them. You can reveal the answer by turning the photo around to reveal the face.
* Categorise: put all the answers on the board and ask the pupils to assign them categories. There is no right or wrong answer, but some pupils will be more adventuous with their choice of categories. You could also arrange them in to an "odd one out" game.
If you attended and you have ideas or materials you did not have time to share or if I have missed your idea or resources, please email-me and I will add what you send me-description of activity, worksheets, resources, links-to this blog post for all to enjoy.
Again, thanks a lot for such a professionally reinvigorating "half weekend"...
Alison Smith prepared 3 items for the Show and Tell: a photo game and two really interesting short presentations on Creativity and Business & Enterprise.
Alison took a photo of each of the pupils in her class and printed them off with a thick white border to look like a Polaroid. She then laminated them so they can be written on again and again with marker pens. Several games can be played with them:
* Find your partner: write down a key word from the lesson and a move round the room asking the same question until you find someone with the same answer (Example: "Qu'est-ce qu'il y a dans ton sac?" "J'ai un stylo" "J'ai un cahier" "J'ai une gomme" "Ah, moi aussi".
* Find your gang: as above, but you are trying to find as many people as possible with the same answer as you. A merit/point/sweet can be given for everyone in the biggest gang.
* Plenary: write the longest sentence you can (on the back of the photo) using language from today's lesson - get your partner to mark it. Prize for the longest sentence/most creative one.
* Starter: Put 6 of the plenary answers from last time on the board, ask the pupils to guess who wrote them. You can reveal the answer by turning the photo around to reveal the face.
* Categorise: put all the answers on the board and ask the pupils to assign them categories. There is no right or wrong answer, but some pupils will be more adventuous with their choice of categories. You could also arrange them in to an "odd one out" game.
If you attended and you have ideas or materials you did not have time to share or if I have missed your idea or resources, please email-me and I will add what you send me-description of activity, worksheets, resources, links-to this blog post for all to enjoy.
Again, thanks a lot for such a professionally reinvigorating "half weekend"...
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