I am organizing a training session on podcasting, following from a previous session on “The Use of Sound in the MFL Classroom” where all the members of my Faculty recorded sound files, did some basic editing with Audacity, tried out Voki and had a look at Voicethread.
The aim of the training will be:
*To define what a podcast is and how it differs from a simple sound recording.
*To find mfl podcasts: to subscribe to them via itune and download them.
*To explain the podcasting process step-by-step.
*To search for educational podcasts.
*To find podsafe audio.
*To understand how a podcast is published with Podomatic.
*To brainstorm ideas for using podcasts in the MFL classroom.
*To fine-tune our Faculty Action Plan for developing the use of podcasting in MFL.
As usual my Twitter friends came to the rescue with suggestions for podcasting training resources:

Podcasting April09
View more presentations from Isabelle Jones.
A very easy to follow ppt Isabelle. Thank you. I have used podcast to help my students revise for their GCSE, this is avery useful learning tool. Looking forward listening to yours.
A really useful ppt for us novices to follow. Thanks.
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