As mentioned in @joedale ‘s keynote speech, follow the
example of David Mitchell, @DeputyMitchell to use blogging to encourage
students to write and improve their literacy in general-especially boys. His
concept of “Quad blogging”-four schools from around the world blog about a
light theme is certainly worth investigating…
Look at setting up simple projects integrating Skype or
video conferencing as a way to bring languages to life.
Develop my use of Triptico and share my experiments via the Triptico
droxbox set up by @KristianStill
Explore Class Dojo and use Lingro to develop motivation at Ks3 and encourage
extended reading in the target language at KS4.
Include story-telling in our Schemes of Learning and as a
cross-phase project. Check out the materials uploaded on Jackie Berry’s MFL digitalstories wikispace wiki.
Make my own rhyming Storybird story in French and/ or
Spanish to be shared on the Storybird wiki.
Explore the potential of Storybird to be included in
transition projects as presented by Bertram Richter of Tile Hill Wood Language
College in Coventry.
Have a go at creating my own interactive books for Gifted and Talented extension material using flipsnack or ibook author.
Storybird as a tool
for transition project-Bertram Richter, Tile Hill Wood Language College,
Project 2 ks2/3 : la selva tropical. This project could also
be used as an induction project aiming to revisit animals and colours in a
different way.
Y5 came up to the secondary school and paired up with y7.
The primary pupils were the experts and had to show y7 how to use storyboard while
the y7 had to teach y5 about adjectival agreement.
Storyboard can be embedded on a blog but not downloaded
unless you buy the stories as the artwork is copyrighted. The stories can be
bought as a PDF file $2 each and are useful to be shown at open evenings or to
raise the profile of MFL through a display in the library, for instance
Storybird can also be used with KS4 students at the Stage 1
of controlled assessment – the storybird book can then be used as a reference document
for stage 2 preparation.
A class account can be set up by setting up a class and
adding users.
CatherineElliott-Using Video in the MFL classroom
Video is a great tool to encourage writing, redrafting,
speaking, by giving a real purpose and an audience. Analysing footage can also
encourage students to us High Order Thinking Skills.
A few barriers:
Child protection-permission required to use footage and need
to follow school procedure to protect children’s identity.
Creativity pitfalls: the level of language students wants to
want to use is very different from the level they can actually use and function
at. This can cause many frustrations for the learner. A way around this could
be to make videos for an audience of younger children.
Finger puppets filming is a good way round the child
protection issues but you need to think about the background and how the puppets are going to be
Stuart Gorse:
Using Music in the MFL classroom
When rhyming words need to be found, it is best to support
students with a list of rhyming words and/ or give them access to a dictionary
of rhymes like http://www.dicodesrimes.com
Verbal tennis can be used as a warm-up activities: e.g.
words around a similar theme, rhyming words etc…
Use songs to summarise stories or describe characters like
“La veuve Saverini” from Guy de Maupassant’s La vendetta ( short story) to the
tune of “Hotel California”
Karaoke versions of YouTube songs can be used and their
lyrics re-written
The Ramones (el pueblo)
Mamma mia -daily routine
Quelles étaient les meilleures vacances de ta vie-Good
riddance-Green Day
Carole Nicoll-How
music helps with memorisation
Music helps Instant recall
Background music can help commit to long -term memory.
How do you get children to speak with a correct accent?
Deconstruct the song-e.g. head shoulders knees and toes
Rap-rhythm helps students to memorise words too( greetings)
Put the language to a rhythm and background music and loop
Music and kinaesthetic activity: Hold the card when you hear
the word e.g. Days of the week
Singing in harmony/ two or three voices…
http://www.carolenicoll.co.uk/downloads.html iTunes artist: Carole Nicoll
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