Tuesday, 8 September 2009

MFL Flashmeeting 3: Let’s Connect Again!

The MFL twittering teachers are striking back!
This time, the virtual “Show and Tell” will take place on Monday 28 September 8.30-10.30pm GMT.

Participants will need to sign up here, on Lynne Horne’s wiki and the event will be hosted by the lovely Suzi Bewell.

Do you want to brainstorm ideas for your classrooms, share your latest projects with like-minded colleagues or simply find out what is happening with Languages in the UK?
All you need to do to take part is to click on the link for the meeting available on the registration page-and at the end of this post- and plug your webcam/ microphone. You can also type/chat to comment on what is being said and vote to express opinion as well as share links with the other participants.

Already on the agenda:
1. Cunning tips: how do you save time in blogging/podcasting/resource creating and so on, to keep work/life balance & prevent divorce/forgetting names of children, etc.?
2. What did YOU do for European Day of Languages and how did it go?
3. Is there a place for audio feedback instead of written feedback for pupils' work delivered via email or through a VLE?
4. How can blogging help raise intercultural understanding for pupils?
5. Is the specific teaching of phonics important and what difference does it make to pupils' understanding?
6. What's your favourite Web 2.0 tool at the moment and why?
7. How do you use your VLE and what sort of resources do you have on it?
and Go to the meeting . You will then be asked to give permission for your microphone or webcam to be used. Click Allow and then select Sign in as Guest. Click Enter.

Really looking forward to this one (again)...

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