Sunday 21 September 2014

Considering Starting Teaching Spanish? Do Not Fear-Help is at Hand…

Spanish has steadily  been growing in popularity in the secondary MFL classroom over the past ten year. It is now considered as an attractive alternative to other European languages such as French and German.
A few years back, French and German seemed to be the perfect combination to find a job as a languages teacher in England. Spanish was growing but despite the appeal of Spanish holidays and the credibility of a language spoken all around the world, many schools were still hesitating to add Spanish to their language curriculum.
Although there are now many native speakers of Spanish teaching in England, a lot of colleagues who were originally trained to teach French and German, are being asked to add Spanish to their foreign language repertoire. Depending on their starting points, this can be seen as a daunting task…
I was delighted to be approached by Osiris to enable me to share my experiences as a non-native Spanish teacher in England as I have had extensive experience over the past twenty years to set up Spanish in a number of schools and support colleagues in developing their own language skills in Spanish.
I know that many MFL teachers are currently developing their language skills in Spanish in order to meet increasing demand in schools and colleges and I am aiming to provide a complete guide to setting up and enhancing Spanish teaching.
OK, the course is called “Perfect Spanish Teaching”, but I will aim to remain realistic. The idea is for the course to start a quest for constant development and improvement-one I am still on, for that matter-rather than provide a magic wand to make us all perfect by the end of the day. If only…
I will focus on:
Assessment, feedback and progress planning
Grammar teaching
Use of authentic resources
Independent learning (for pupils and teachers!)
Looking forward to seeing you in Birmingham on 21st November or in London on 1st December.
Click here for more details

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